Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Yellow boxfish hiding in coral - face |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Yellow boxfish hiding in coral - Ostracion
cubicus |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Clark's anemone fish hiding in an anemone
/ Yellowtail Clownfish - Amphiprion clarkii |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: full body shot, head on, of a false
stonefish / devil scorpionfish - Scorpaenopsis Diabolus |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: false stonefish - close up |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: false stonefish - mouth and eye |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: bannerfish face - Heniochus singularius |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: bannerfish face - close up |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Blue lined coral grouper next to fan
coral - Cephalopholis formosa |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Coral grouper on a soft coral |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Blue lined grouper on a rock |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Orange striped trigger fish - close
up - Balistapus undulatus |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Variegated Lizardfish - Synodus variegatus |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Variegated Lizard fish sitting on a
rock |