images of Cabinda
Cabinda / Kabinda - flag / bandeira images of
Portuguese Congo, administered by Angola
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Africa - Cabinda - Portuguese Congo: monument to the Simulambuco treaty between Portugal and Cabinda's princes Monumento ao Tratado de Simulambuco entre Portugal e os Cabindas (Padrão) (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Simulambuco: monument to the Simulambuco treaty between Portugal and Cabinda's princes Africa - Lândana, Portuguese Congo - Cabinda: Church of the Catholic Mission, built in 1904 / Igreja da Missão Católica - Vila de Lândana - município de Cacongo - arquitectura religiosa (photo by FLEC) Lândana: Church of the Catholic Mission, built in 1904
Cabinda - Simulambuco: celebrating the Portuguese protectorate - Neste lugar de Simulambuco, foi assinado em 1 de Fevereiro de 1885 o Tratado que integrou o território de Cabinda na nação Portuguesa (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Simulambuco: celebrating the Portuguese protectorate Cabinda - Simulambuco: 1954 visit by Craveiro Lopes, Portuguese president (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Simulambuco: 1954 visit by Craveiro Lopes, Portuguese president
Cabinda - Tchiowa: shy boy / miúdo tímido - photo by F.Rigaud Cabinda - Tchiowa: shy boy Africa - Cabinda - Tchiowa - Congo Português: teenager with and attitude / adolescente - photo by F.Rigaud Cabinda - Tchiowa: teenager with and attitude
Africa - Cabinda - Tchiowa: refuge in the shade / gozando a sombra - terreiro - photo by F.Rigaud Cabinda - Tchiowa: refuge in the shade Cabinda - Tchiowa: at home / em casa - photo by F.Rigaud Cabinda - Tchiowa: at home
Cabinda - Tchiowa: main church / igreja matriz (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: main church Cabinda - Tchiowa: the cemetery / cemitério (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: the cemetery
Cabinda - Tchiowa: church square / praça da igreja (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: church square Cabinda - Tchiowa: chapel / capela (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: chapel
Cabinda - Tchiowa: the court / tribunal (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: the court Cabinda - Tchiowa: school / escola (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: school
Cabinda - Tchiowa: Cinema Chiloango (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: Cinema Chiloango Angola - Cabinda - Tchiowa: Church of the Catholic Mission in Cabinda / missão católica - igreja (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: Catholic Mission in Cabinda
Cabinda - Tchiowa: tin roofs and Cinema Chiloango / telhados de zinco e Cinema Chiloango (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: tin roofs and Cinema Chiloango Cabinda - Tchiowa: public building / edifício público (photo by FLEC) Cabinda - Tchiowa: public building -  Palácio do Governo Provincial - Palace of the Provincial Government
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credits: photos © by FLEC - Frente de Libertação do Estado de Cabinda, F.Rigaud /
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e cabinda, enclave, pretroleo, oil, exclave, angola, tchiowa, kongo, fac
Note: Cabinda, or Portuguese Congo, is an oil rich territory between Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. De jure a Portuguese protectorate, Cabinda still awaits self-determination and is under the occupation of Angolan troops since 1975.

Nota: Cabinda, ou Congo Português, é um território rico em petróleo, localizado entre o Congo e a República Democrática do Congo. Cabinda é de jure um protectorado Português que aguarda auto-determinação, estando ocupado por tropas angolanas do MPLA desde 1975.
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 Kabinda, Congo, renovasda, off-shore, FLEC, frente para a libertação do estado de cabinda, enclave, pretroleo, oil, exclave, angola, tchiowa, kongo, fac
see also: Portugal, Cape Verde, Angola, Brazil, Mozambique, STP, Ascension island, Swaziland, Gabon, Congo (DR), South Sudan, Timor, Africa
click on the thumbnails to enlarge the images - photos of Cabinda - Africa
images of Cabinda / imagens de Cabinda